
This blog is less than an experiment, and it isn't about anything.
It's about about-nessthe thing of the thing, not the thing itself.
Hence "meta"what one thinks about what one thinks about.
And what one thinks about what one thinks about what one thinks about.
And so on.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


It’s like breathing and eating, there really isn’t much change in what needs doing every day. I will blog, but only from time to time. As I wrote in the last post, a writer has other writing to do—at least, I do.
I recently commented on an innocuous post on global warming (under Conrad's post comparing The Nobel Prize and American Idol), and pretty much got “flamed” (there’s a pun there somewhere). I still am determined to stay away from the contentious issues of the day. I don’t think it will do me any good as a writer to get personal regarding my opinions on politics, religion, etc. The fact I’m saying so, however, suggests it’s a matter I reconsider from time to time.