
This blog is less than an experiment, and it isn't about anything.
It's about about-nessthe thing of the thing, not the thing itself.
Hence "meta"what one thinks about what one thinks about.
And what one thinks about what one thinks about what one thinks about.
And so on.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Blogging Hiatus

I haven’t blogged in a while because rule-of-thumb is that a person blogs daily. Anything less is of no interest, and infrequently posted blogs are utterly sidelined, never read, so what’s the point?

While this is a reasonable opinion, widely held, it just doesn’t work for me. I only want to post when I have something to say, and because I have several blogs and work to do, I simply stopped posting altogether several weeks ago.

I also stopped posting because I was thinking about my so-called “profile”—what’s anyone to make of my wide-ranging interests and opinions? Surely for everything I say one person applauds, another will cross me off their list. I’m not a public personality at heart, and still have that work to do I mentioned earlier. At bottom, as a writer, why I should blog when I should be writing?

I’ve decided from now on to post anyway, however infrequently, because posting on my blogs, however insignificant, is still my best shot at reaching out to others and sharing passing thoughts and ideas. I am a writer, and this is not a journal. It’s just a conversation. We’re all busy, and I have no inclination to be chatting away here daily.

Hope you enjoy my (likely to remain) infrequent posts.