
This blog is less than an experiment, and it isn't about anything.
It's about about-nessthe thing of the thing, not the thing itself.
Hence "meta"what one thinks about what one thinks about.
And what one thinks about what one thinks about what one thinks about.
And so on.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Aging Is Just All Right

"Do you know why women look away when you pass them on the street?"


"Because they're dazzled.  Why wouldn't they fall for you?  Don't you know how extraordinary you are?  Look at yourself, there's so much to see.  The older we get, the more precious we are.  That's what you've missed, you haven't understood that."

"Hadn't thought of it like that, no."

"Think of it that way.  It's the right way, the only way."

─An older man talking to a much older man, from the film, Man on the Train.