
This blog is less than an experiment, and it isn't about anything.
It's about about-nessthe thing of the thing, not the thing itself.
Hence "meta"what one thinks about what one thinks about.
And what one thinks about what one thinks about what one thinks about.
And so on.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Question Authority

We rarely consider the ways we lend authority to others, don’t always perceive we do.  

Certainly there are authorities, governments, churches, team leaders, chairpersons, parents, who command authority.  All derive it ultimately from the consent and acquiescence of the governed.  This is inherently neither good nor bad, but we should consider any authority’s validity.   

Often we grant authority without realizing we are, obey perceived requirements which are no more than someone else’s agenda, authorized only by our submission to it.

When we hesitate to do things on account of what others think, question their authority to prevent us.

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